kids park rides

kids park rides


Mini carousel machinery kiddie rides for sale

Mini carousel machinery consists of cabin, the rack turntable, moving trailer chassis, modeling fiberglass and fences.Electrical control system consists of control box, collecting ring, flashing lights, drive motor and trip switches etc.

carousel rides
Working principle of mini amusement kiddie rides
① Mechanical System: A: the rack rotational motion: motor running -- traveling wheel rotation
-- the whole rack turntable rotating
--- horse seats doing up and down reciprocating motion
---- Drum rotating
② Electrical system: Plug into the power 220V-- turn on the power with key -- flashing lights working - press the start button -- sending out 5 seconds alerting tone -- depress the foot starting pedal -- turntable rotating around the center -- the system sends out game ends warning bell -- turntable stops running.
mini carousel

