The modern
carousel ride emerged from early jousting traditions in Europe and the Middle East. Knights would gallop in a circle while tossing balls from one to another; an activity that required great skill and horsemanship. By the early 18th century carousels were being built and operated at various fairs and gatherings in central Europe and England. Animals and mechanisms would be crafted during the winter months and the family and workers would go touring in their wagon train through the region, operating their large menagerie carousel at various venues. In Europe,
merry-go-rounds (as they are most often referred to in those countries) usually turn clockwise (see photograph at top), while in North America, carousels typically go counterclockwise (anticlockwise).One possible reason for carousels in the US turning anti- clockwise may be so that the rider can use their right hand to catch a brass ring. Another possible reason for the reverse direction was in rebellion to the King of England. By the mid-19th century the platform carousel was developed; the animals and chariots were fixed to a circular floor that would suspend from a center pole and rotate around. These mechanical innovations came at a crucial time, when increased prosperity meant that more people had time for leisure and spare money to spend on entertainment. It was in this historical context that the modern
fairground ride was born. The golden age of the carousel in America was the early 20th century, with large machines and elaborate animals, chariots, and decorations being built.
Carousels are commonly populated with horses, each horse weighing roughly 100 lbs. (45 kg), but may include diverse varieties of mounts, like pigs, zebras, tigers, or mythological creatures such as dragons or unicorns. Sometimes, chair like or bench like seats are used as well, and occasionally mounts can be shaped like airplanes or cars. As was the case with most industries during the Great Depression, carousel builders found it difficult to continue production. In addition to the depressed economy, the rise of the roller coaster in the early 20th century began to overshadow the carousel’s place in the
amusement park industry. They became marked as a “
kids ride” because they lacked the excitement of the newer rides. This combination of factors spelled the end of an era for carousel builders. Although more would be built once the economy recovered, they were no longer hand-carved, but instead cast in aluminum and fiberglass. However, since the 1970s, there has been a growing interest in restoring many of the old hand-carved carousels and preserving them for future generations.
carousel rides by Hotfun Park Rides |
Hot Fun design and produce kinds of carousel ride,from 3,6,12,16,24 to72,88,118,from single deck to double deck carousel horse ride. The carousel can be made as your mind.
Any question just pls contact us.
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